Sep 15Liked by Charlene Storey

Adored this read. Looove your chair artwork! I know what you mean re: hanging your own artwork, can feel a bit weird but it’s also nice to have something of our own there isn’t it. We probably wouldn’t feel like that if it was a photo we took?

Love the garden updates too.

Thank you for such a delightful escape here. x

Ps: Big surprise, you like puzzles too.

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Sep 15Liked by Charlene Storey

Lovely piece...I hope you (and your partner) have discovered the use of nasturtiums, both leaves and flowers, in among salad? Gives a peppery tang to the more bland salad greens, like spinach

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Sep 15Liked by Charlene Storey

I loved the glimpse of your summer. Ours alternated between bloody hot and hot, with precious little rain. The chairs drawing is lovely! And yes, it does feel weird to hang one’s own art. My husband hung one of my first (unfinished) paintings, which was sweet. And it’s still unfinished. 😊

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Sep 15Liked by Charlene Storey

My summer was a combination of what i wanted to do, what i didn't get to do, a small brush with sickness which was due to my carelessness (it lasted less than a week). I can say a lot more about my summer, but i guess that's enough for this space.

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Sep 15Liked by Charlene Storey

Beautiful photo essay! 💕

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Sep 15Liked by Charlene Storey

Oh what a gorgeous assessment of your summer. Here in Edinburgh has been very similar .. far too much rain, gloomy days and wind, always the wind and unusually my spirit has quailed at the thought of autumn and winter. So I love this reminder that whatever the weather, external or within, there are always sunlit moments.

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A beautiful summer photo essay. Thank you for sharing them with us. My summer was a mix of adventure and my body reminding me that I need to slow down.

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When we lived in Moscow in the late Yeltsin/early Putin years we discovered that the rich and creamy Russian ice cream was a perfect winter treat because your body took the fat and turned into body heat!

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Sep 16·edited Sep 16Liked by Charlene Storey

Love your nasturtium plant. So beautiful winding its way up through the stones. I've been trying to coax my hubby to grow them too. Their colour is so warm and beautiful, and they make me smile whenever I spot them in a garden. Your chair art is very special too. ❤

As with yourselves, the weather here in Aberdeenshire has been pretty bleak and miserable for most of the summer too with lots of rain and sea haar blowing in off the North Sea. You'll be familiar with the sea haar too I imagine?

In-car picnics, a short break away to a beautiful cottage and gardens, plus lots of reading have each served as mood lifters for me. Plus, I created 'Come Aside & Rest a While' to concentrate my thoughts away from health issues I've been experiencing this year.

I love the thought of island living. I'm sure it has its challenges being far from the mainland, but how special.

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I live in a desert place where the sun shines every day and after awhile, we dream of rain. The temps were in the 100sF (30sC???) for much longer than usual and the flowers sagged or died under the heat. It was much too hot to leave the house. So, I did a lot of writing, knitting, watching DVDs, and playing with my grandson while his Mom worked in the next room. I also read a lot of inspiring Substackers, most especially you and listening to your voice-overs. Thank you, Charlene. I hope your asthma calms a bit and allows you to breathe in the fresh air. Take care.

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Sep 16Liked by Charlene Storey

I love capturing the tiny beautiful things of everyday life. And I adored seeing yours and hearing about your not so summery summer. After a very chaotic and difficult summer last year, this summer was exactly what I needed. It was a perfect balance of urban adventures, slow moments in nature, and staycation rest. xx

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